Alternative Care Program

The Alternative Care Program's main purpose is to seek safe, caring and nurturing homes for children in care, the ages range from 0 -17 years of age.

Types of homes

  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Medical homes
  • Emergency homes
  • Mamow Ga Ming Program
  • General Caregivers

Caregiver application process

Please contact our agency at (204) 987 - 9444 for more information and ask to speak with an Alternative Care Worker if you are interested in opening your home to be a Caregiver.

Kinship Care

The purpose of the Kinship Care Program is to protect children and strengthen families by providing a safe, loving and nurturing environment. A Kingship Family provides the child with stability that is seen as complementary to the child's biological parent rather than as a substitute family. The majority of children in care are placed for a temporary period.


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